
Frigorífico Carrasco S.A.

We have the best raw material in the world as a starting point, the traditional “Carraco S.A.” is a registered trademark that has achieved worldwide recognition, in addition, thanks to the hygiene, strict controls and permanent work aimed at the search for quality in the production processes, we have earned and keep earning the trust of the most demanding markets in the world.

Grassland Synergy: Beef & Lamb

The sustainability of Uruguay's grass-fed beef and lamb lies in the symbiotic relationship between the animals and the land. Cattle and sheep graze freely on the country's natural grasslands, wandering over vast expanses of native grasses and legumes. This extensive grazing system eliminates the need for confined feedlots and chemical inputs like fertilizers or pesticides.

The animals' diet of diverse vegetation enhances the health of the soil through natural nutrient cycling. Uruguay's grasslands sequester carbon in the soil, mitigating greenhouse gas emissions. The animals also help maintain healthy grassland ecosystems by grazing selectively and dispersing seeds.

Overall, Uruguay's pastoral approach creates a sustainable system for raising beef and lamb that preserves the environment.


High quality Uruguayan meats with the highest standards


Over the last few years, we understood the new challenges presented in today’s world and integrated them to the business model. We have started, little by little, to develop several management tools that have now evolved and formed a unique integrated management system for the sustainability.


We develop all our productive activities within a responsible and environmentally friendly management framework. Our main supplies come from the land and we are committed to preserving natural resources so present and future generations can satisfy their needs. The implementation and maintenance of environmental management systems are the tools we use to fulfill our commitments.


A quality assurance and control team and an accredited microbiological laboratory, working together with official accredited external laboratories, review and monitor every aspect of the production process.


We have implemented a Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) Program, Good Manufacturing Practices, Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures (SSOPs) Animal Welfare Program inter alia. Plants are ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, and BRC certified. A traceability system by troop, that enables cattle identification and guarantees origin of beef we deliver to all our customers, is applied.

Frigorífico Carrasco

Bringing Uruguay's Best Meat to You

Frigorífico Carrasco

Bringing Uruguay's Best Meat to You